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Dubliners (1914)


James Joyce



Image by Gabriel Ramos

Dubliners (1914)


Collection of short naturalistic stories depicted in middle class in Dublin. Pervading this collection of short stories is a certain bathetic note, underwhelming each tale's conclusion often with an incongruous or dissatisfying emotion describing the protagonist's divergence from a conventional or emphatic denouement. Explores issues of identity and purpose often leading to the character's incongruous epiphany, at odds with the original trajectory of the story.


For someone who likes the cliché happy endings these stories perhaps are not up your alley; James Joyce, whilst ingeniously exploring the catharsis of epiphany and the inversion of concepts such as class and identity entrenched within the milieu, diverges from the tri-fold format of a satisfying fable (exposition/climax/denouement) and rather dangles the reader off the precipice of 'what happens next?' - perhaps a crafty technique to involve the reader in some personal introspective thought though.


  1. Stream of Consciousness

  2. Bathos

  3. Revelations/Epiphany

  4. Class Division

  5. Power vs. Powerlessness

  6. Nihilism

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